Storage space is a serious blocker in growth for many e-commerce and logistics companies. From the outside looking in, generating more business and needing to increase inventory is a wonderful thing – especially following the COVID-19 pandemic. However, trying to find extra room to accommodate new or in-demand inventory is a logistical nightmare.
After dismissing the idea of turning away business, this leaves you with two options: either upgrade to a bigger warehouse or invest in automation. As you already know, renting or buying a bigger warehouse can be incredibly expensive when you factor in the moving costs, higher running rates and time wasted on workers getting from A to B.
Nowadays, conveyors can be fitted in higher positions, freeing up the workspace and giving you the opportunity to store inventory below. One of the biggest errors in warehouse operations is that many companies only use what they can reach. Yet, warehouses are usually very tall, leaving you with wasted and untapped space above.
There are also opportunities with automation to increase the density of storage or optimise manual picking operations.